Saturday, September 27, 2014

6 6-word Stories

Six Six-word stories

Three choices and no good outcome.

How much more can one take?

His birthday comes, but "happy" doesn't.

No one thought of the consequences.

One wrong answer, one hour berated.

Welts are healed, words are not.


  1. My two favorite were the first and 3rd "novels." They make me curious about the story and unlike the one in English, your stories are very ambiguous that Ican't even make a guess that would be accurately close to the story you had in your mind when you typed these up. Good Job

  2. My favorite "story" is "His birthday comes, but "happy" doesn't." because it gets me to be curious about why his birthday isn't happy. It provides a bit of detail about the story but not enough so that the complete story line is obvious, offering only the very "tip of the iceberg."

  3. The way your stories can actually get the reader's mine to think but at the same time not give too much away is impressive. Some stories also have good messages that are portrayed. Good job!
