Wednesday, November 26, 2014

One Classmate I am Thankful for

One Classmate I am Thankful for

             One classmate I am thankful for is Victor Medina. He and I met in the summer of 2013, during Freshman Connection. He was the person that showed me how to get from the school to the Racine Blue Line stop. We became friends during Freshman Connection, and I may or may not have called him Victorious or Victor…ia’s Secret a couple of times… Anyways, once freshman year started up, I was very disappointed to see that I had no classes with him. I saw him sometimes during passing periods or after school, but I didn’t see him as much as I could have if we had a class together. When I walked into first period this year, I saw a familiar face sitting near the front of the room. It was Victor! All through this year, we’ve sat next to each other. We do group works together, and I’m interested where he gets his ideas from. They’re always on-point. I’m really thankful for Victor.

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