Thursday, December 11, 2014


             Janie is an interesting character. She has struggled her whole life to find independence from others, but cannot find it because she is expected to have someone controlling her at all times. She first realizes this when her grandmother tells her not to kiss anyone because she’s liable to be a woman soon and should be married to Logan Killicks. Then, when she goes to marry Joe Starks, she realizes that although she is wealthy, she is distant from her partner, unlike how she envisioned love to be. She is never free, constantly forced to be a fixture in the town store, even though she yearns to join the others in playing checkers and talking about the mule. Once Joe dies, she is finally free – until Tea Cake arrives. While he doesn’t force her to do anything, unlike Joe, he dictates to her some things. He tells her to wear blue, as he finds her pretty in it. Tea Cake doesn’t control her in the same ways as Joe did – Joe controlled her with his wealth and his words, while Tea Cake controls her with his love and actions. When she does what he wants her to, he will comb her hair or help her in doing some task. Janie searches for freedom, but will she ever find it?

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

One Classmate I am Thankful for

One Classmate I am Thankful for

             One classmate I am thankful for is Victor Medina. He and I met in the summer of 2013, during Freshman Connection. He was the person that showed me how to get from the school to the Racine Blue Line stop. We became friends during Freshman Connection, and I may or may not have called him Victorious or Victor…ia’s Secret a couple of times… Anyways, once freshman year started up, I was very disappointed to see that I had no classes with him. I saw him sometimes during passing periods or after school, but I didn’t see him as much as I could have if we had a class together. When I walked into first period this year, I saw a familiar face sitting near the front of the room. It was Victor! All through this year, we’ve sat next to each other. We do group works together, and I’m interested where he gets his ideas from. They’re always on-point. I’m really thankful for Victor.

Sunday, November 23, 2014



             Principle. A principle, as defined by Google, is “a fundamental truth or proposition that serves as the foundation for a system of belief or behavior or for a chain of reasoning.” There are many things that we hold principle here in America. Some of these include equal opportunities for all, freedom of religion, the separation of church and state, and, of course, freedom to fight for what we believe in (peacefully, of course). One principle, however, that is still lacking all across this country, is the right to marry anyone one desires. Over the last year, the number of states where same-sex marriage is legal has grown quite a lot. However, many states, especially in the South, still have not allowed same-sex marriage. There are many benefits to being married, and there is no reason not to allow it. One of the core principles this nation was founded on, the separation between church and state, are seriously getting in the way of progress. Certain people believe that for some reason, others shouldn’t be allowed to marry whom they please. There is no downside to allowing same-sex marriage – there will not be giant sinkholes in the ground, Satan will not come to earth, if same-sex marriage is allowed. There’s already proof that won’t happen – look at all the states that have allowed same-sex marriage!
My point is, a principle we need to raise up is same-sex marriage. Now, it’s not the biggest problem America faces today. We have gender inequality to address, immigration, unemployment, and a multitude of other things. However, same-sex marriage is a step in the right direction.